Preventive Applications For Your Teeth

To keep your teeth in top shape, it is important to take measures to prevent tooth decay. Some activities, such as routine brushing and flossing can be performed at home, but other preventive applications need to be completed in a professional dental setting. Here are a few preventive dentistry applications that your dentist may use to protect the health of your teeth: Plastic Sealants Sealants are protective coatings of plastic that are applied to the teeth to help prevent decay. [Read More]

2 Things That Are Good For Both Your Teeth And Your Gums

Your gums are probably rarely considered until a problem with arises. Still, gum care is not overly difficult. Proper oral hygiene that promotes healthy teeth is also beneficial to the gums. Here are a few things that you may think are only good for teeth that are actually protecting the health of your gums too: Drinking and Rinsing with Water Throughout the Day  You may already sip water periodically throughout the day to remain hydrated. [Read More]

Best Way To Prepare For Oral Surgery

There are many reasons a person may be recommended for oral surgery. These may include impacted wisdom teeth, unequal jaw growth, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. If your dentist sends you to an oral surgeon and oral surgery is the best option to correct your problem, then there are a few things you'll want to do to properly to prepare for the procedure.  Decide on the Type of Anesthesia You'll need to go over the pros and cons of using both local and general anesthesia. [Read More]

Trying To Get Naturally About Teeth Brushing? Try These Alternatives Instead

For a lot of years it has been common knowledge that toothpaste is the best thing to use to get your teeth clean and ward off decay. However, many forms of toothpaste do contain some questionable synthetic ingredients, which can be an issue if you are trying to live a more natural lifestyle of have certain sensitivities to things like fluoride or sorbitol. Thankfully, modern dental research has proven that you do not necessarily have to use ordinary toothpaste to keep your smile clean and protected. [Read More]