Want Dental Implants? Ask Your Dental Implant Service These Things

Getting dental implants can seem like a big deal, and the surgical procedure related to the implants can be major. However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't give dental implants a second thought if you're facing dentures or other dental solutions to your needs. You just need to make sure you ask your dental implant services provider the right questions to get moving in the right direction. Here are things you should ask your dental implant services specialist about. [Read More]

4 Reasons Every Household Should Have A Family Dentist

Oral health is not just about brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. It involves seeing a family dentist who ensures your teeth are in perfect health. Sadly, some people disregard this step and end up with dental issues. If you don't have a family dentist, you should understand that you are putting your oral health at risk. If you are starting a family, this is the best time to hire a dentist for your loved ones. [Read More]

Going To The Dentist? Know The Following Terminology

Do you always feel like the dentist is speaking a different language when you visit for your semi-annual cleaning and inspection? If so, it helps to know the following dental terminology so that you can be in the know about what is happening with your teeth. Cusp Has a dentist ever made a comment about the cusp of one of your teeth? This means that they are talking about the part of your tooth that has a point on it. [Read More]

What Is The Purpose Of A Temporary Crown?

Permanent crowns take two to three weeks to fabricate in a dental laboratory. During that time, the remaining tooth structure that will be supporting the crown is left bare. The main purpose of a temporary crown is to cover the exposed tooth structure. Covering the exposed tooth serves several functions. Protects the Tooth From Decay and Damage Once prepared for a permanent crown, a tooth has little to protect it from dental decay. [Read More]